The following "Terms of Agreement" form must be signed and all photos/images/files
MUST be paid for before any material is transferred to the buyer.
Fees for purchasing images from WAHS:
$10.00 per image for members
$15.00 per image for non-members
$ 5.95 for any shipping
Permission to use an image and securing copyright for the image are two separate issues. Also, note that images used on our website may not be copied and/or used without permission from the Westby Area Historical Society.
Terms of Agreement for Personal Use of Images:
When you complete the purchase of a Westby Area Historical Society image for personal use , you agree to these terms of use:
Terms of Agreement for Commercial or Non-Profit Use of Images:
When you complete the purchase of a Westby Area Historical Society image for commercial or non-profit use (publications, web, presentations and/or public display), you agree to these terms of use:
The Westby Area Historical Society does not own the copyright to most images in its collection and assumes no responsibility for infraction of copyright laws, invasion of privacy, or any other improper or illegal use that may arise from reproduction of any image. It is your responsibility to determine whether your proposed use violates copyright, and if so, to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s). Often, it is not clear who owns copyright. You, the user, are legally liable for complying with the provisions of the law. For further information on copyright, consult the U. S. Copyright Office publications.
I agree to abide by the conditions above, and to pay the use fee, if applicable:
Requestor’s Signature_________________________________________________________
Phone Number _______________________________________________________________
Email Address_______________________________________________________________
Westby Area Historical
Society Staff Signature________________________________________________________